Friday, October 3, 2008

Food.....mmmm soo good!

I started this post a few days ago but didn't complete it, got distracted by the kids. Well came back to do my daily post (I have decided no matter what the topic or how long or short I will do one post a day) after reading my new favorite food blog...TasteSpotting (thanks Kia for the link). Man I love all the pictures, they look so good...I realized I've been looking at it for the last hour and half, unfortunately I haven't seen any Korean recipes yet but I still have many more pages to view.

My love for food and made me realize I need to pay closer attention to how my mom makes kimchi and all her other Korean recipes. Luckily this weekend we will be making some kimchi since its been over a 6 months since she made the last batch. When I say we will make some I don't mean a few heads of cabbage but 4 crates, yes crates of it! Scary I know but this woman does not know how to do little, if we are to have 15 people she will cook for 200! She has "big hand" as they say in of the qualities I inherited from her.

We usually go to K-Town in L.A. but she found out from my Aunt ( jawgouen oma) that she can get it straight from the fields in Santa Maria. That's how she got it last time so she asked her to buy 4 crates this time (it's a good thing cause I just washed out my last kimchi jar last week) :)
So this time I will actually write it down, especially since it's not something I will be making monthly.

It's funny how as adults we go back to loving foods we may have not liked so much as children, although I always loved kimchi jigae, especially the very ripe one. I love kimchi when its freshly made and when it gets ripe..the middle stage kinda sucks. Mmmm makes me hungry thinking about it! Good thing I'm at mom's cause she made me some awesome kimchi out of baby bok choy...oh my gosh do damn good and tender! Hmm I gotta start taking pictures and post them too. Change in topic but I do have a pretty nice camera the hubby got me two Christmas or so ago. Because I was interested in taking pictures however with my mental state I haven't utilized my toy. So promise to myself to start taking some pics and start posting.
Besides pictures make things look much more interesting to read. Presentation just like food.

Other day post.....
Did I mention I love to eat? I love good food, from fancy smancy stuff to just good old bowl of rice with kimchi jigae. For the past 11 months or so I've been baking bread at home, from scratch besides some help from my sunbeam bread maker that mixes and kneads the dough for me. To date I think I have gone through at least 200pds of flour because besides baking bread for sandwiches I've made pizza dough, cinnamon rolls, french bread, red bean buns, hoe ducc, cookies, scones, soft pretzels, sweet rolls and then some. At first it seemed hard cause I was being real careful about the measurements and stuff but with time and many many products later its been easy especially with the bread maker mixing and kneading the dough.

I've never been one to follow directions, that is measuring things out perfectly, maybe coming from a Korean mom who doesn't measure anything has something to do with it.. I would start off with a recipe but always tweak it to my accord, and even though people swear to exact measurements in baking I say boulder dash. I add, subtract, tweak mostly everything I have followed from a recipe but mostly I use a recipe or idea for inspiration and do my own thing to do. I can say I'm a decent cook and family loves my food and baked goods. And my husband had gained 40 pounds since I met him, most of it from the first year..but than that's from my mom's cooking since we were living with her then. He was underweight when we met, a boy, now he is a "Man". :)


KP said...

I know what you mean! I have recently had a renewed interest in Korean food. My mom thinks its funny when I call her up and ask her how to make something I snubbed when I was younger. But it sounds good now!
I dont measure either. Its one of the reasons why I dont like to bake. But if you can bake without measuring, than maybe I will give it another shot.

imworkingfromtheinsideout said...

I would suggest start off with something you guys like to eat, be it cookies or bread. Start off with measurements but they do not have to be exact, after a few times I believe you will get the feel of how much you need to add. Especially with bread is varies how much liquid to add depending on the day (humdity). So it's about certain amount, not an exact amount. I think even with cookies it varies depending on which type of cookie you like, soft, chewy or crisp. Just like anything else it takes practice. :)