Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Black widows.....

At home right now, just spoke with the pest control guy about the annoying black widows. Since we moved here we've noticed a slight pest problem...ok really annoying and scary pest problem. I'm all about the circle of life and shit but having black widows all around my house is not ok. We waited to get them sprayed/exterminated but I've noticed even with finishing our backyard (no longer a dessert oasis festering with crickets, ants and spiders) they black widows remain. Till we moved here I have never seen a real life black widow but now I'm an expert. I'm also a victim of a spider bite...not sure if it was black widow but it was nasty because it caused a abscess a big as a half dollar and at least half inch deep. It was on my left side, at first it looked like a little red spot, didn't hurt. Week later the red spot grew, then it started to hurt and get hard. Of course during this time I didn't have health insurance either since I quit my job. I also noticed two little red marks, like bit marks. So I decided after much pain maybe I need to go to the doctor, looked up a urgent care place and went in. Well $240 later he told me it was a spider bite, I thought it was a "bug bite" and told me I needed to have it cut out, removed but he didn't do that there. He gave me antibiotics and gave me some advise since I didn't have health insurance. He advise me to put a hot cloth soaked in Epsom salt on the spot until it brought up the pus.
So I went home armed with my Epsom salt and towel and compressed my bite. It was painful and hard because I was still breastfeeding. But I managed to bring up the pus within a few days, but now what? It looked like a giant zit with white pus ready to pop. I didn't know what to do so I went and made an appointment at my old place of employment (medical clinic).

I was a side show, they never saw anything like it before, the P.A. who saw me said I needed have it removed like at the ER or somewhere, she was afraid to do it so close to my stomach. Luckily one of the doctors I knew saw me and came to say hello and said she could do it. Yep she squeezed this shit...yep it hurt but it was hurting already due to the swelling and shit. It was nasty, it looked like a giant zit, exploding with green and yellowish goop. She squeezed as much as she could and told me to keep squeezing it at home, to get all the stuff out. But to make sure to keep it covered and cleaned or else I would have a serious infection, I also got more antibiotics, turns out the other stuff was the wrong kind. Well after it was all said and done I had a huge gaping hole on my stomach, I saw another doctor at my old work and he told me I needed a skin graft most likely since the hole was so big. But he said we could try to put some patches on it first covered with gauze. He gave me some patches and instructions to keep it cleaned and to change it daily. Well it healed, the big round circle is now a bumpy 1 1/2 inch scare but it healed without a skin graft my my arse.:)

Well back to the spraying, it was all done within 15 min and $140 later, got a 60 day warranty so that's good. Hopefully those nasty buggers are gone, I don't mind other spiders just not the kind that can cause damage or even death.


KP said...

eeeew, weve got a huge black widow problem here too.

By the way, LOVE your new layout and colors:)

imworkingfromtheinsideout said...

I guess it's possible to cohabitate with black widows but it scares me "what if the kids get bit" and thats one risk I'm not willing to take!

Thanks I'm trying to put some effort into this blog, hopefully I'll have some pictures to post soon.