Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We're committed!

So we did it, we made a commitment to a new family member and it's a girl! We had always wanted a dog but the timing had never been right, for the last few months I thought about getting us a new family member, going back and forth with all the pros and cons. We knew we wanted a small dog since it would be an indoor dog, one that doesn't shed much, one that doesn't require tons of activity and most likely a pound dog. Even though puppies are adorable we know they need lots of training to be house trained. We know there are allot of dogs out there needing love so that’s why we decided on a pound dog. Her name is Lucky Sa-rang-ee Lee and she is from Korea, we adopted her from Happy Ending Rescue , a wonderful small organization that rescues dogs from Korea. We actually found her on petfinder.com while doing a general search. I couldn't resist how adorable she was; even though she is four years old she still looks like a puppy but is house broken and very sweet! We all fell in love with her and within a day we drove down to Anaheim to see her at her foster home.

Lucky ran right up to us and wanted some love, she laid on her back wanting her tummy to be rubbed. I even cradled her in my arms like a baby and she just laid there nuzzling her face to my breast! We were definitely impressed by her sweetness and knew we wanted her. We confirmed we wanted her that night and she would be brought to our home for a final inspection and delivery. She has been in our home since Sunday but it feels like she's been here forever, she fits in with our family perfectly and she is such a great dog! I can't believe how well adapted and wonderful she is!

She is our Chinese Korean dog, just like our Chinese Korean household, she is prefect for us. I know it sounds corny but I feel like she was meant for us. I have to admit sometimes I do believe in things were meant to be, not just random! Her name was Ai-Chan, changed from Sa-rang-ee from Korea but we decided on Lucky because she is lucky we believe to come from all the way over from Korea. I wanted to keep her name Sa-rang-ee (means love in Korean) however my son said it was too hard to pronounce, so that is why it is her middle name.

1 comment:

KP said...

O.k. all my questions about her are answered by this post. She is SOOO cute! LOVE! And what an interesting story that comes with her. I cant believe that dogs are rescued from other countries:) I'm so happy for you. From a dog nut, CONGRATULATIONS on your newest family member...how lucky are you?