Monday, February 16, 2009


In the mist of the storm we are working under stress, being guided by emotions and adrenaline where action is necessary for survival. But the dust settles and we can take a step back and really see what is in front of us because in the momentum of we lose track of what really matters. We lose what is really important the day to day matters that face us, not the extreme answers that seemed to suffice when action was needed but today.
I had been reluctantly making decisions for my mother the last two years because she was unable to. However I can finally take that weight off my shoulders because she is stronger and she is able to take charge of her life once again. Even though I really do not want her and my aunt to live with us it was a sacrifice I was willing to make, however now I realize she may feel more comfortable with her own place. Although at this point even though I directly ask her what she wants she doesn't give me a direct answer.

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