Friday, March 27, 2009

Face's an addiction

Lately I've spent most of my online time of Face book, I was slow to warm up not adding any friends but slowly I was getting more and more friend requests. Before I knew it I was hooked..full blown addicted to finding those damn "hatchlings" one of their many applications, looking up "old friends" and seeing what they been up to after high school. So typical most of all the popular people are losers now, the quiet geeky kids full blown successes..getting their PhD's, owning their own software companies, traveling the world and way better looking then they used to be, hello Ugly Duckling! Got to admit I'm envious of their lives unlike the popular kids, uh well they had their glory moments way back then and obviously burned the candle on both ends..they look like shit. Middle aged, old, wrinkled...really bad. I have to say days like this it pays off to be Korean/Asian, sure once we hit like 70 we get super freakin wrinkled and old over night but till then we look pretty damn good and I mean without any work! It's weird cause I remember everyone from how they used to look way back in elementary school, junior high and high school but now they look so old.

Shit I'm middle aged and I didn't even know it...I know I wasn't young but I didn't realize I was this old! Besides the extra pounds I feel so much better...I know that's bad but it feels good knowing I don't look that old...I hate to say it but its true blonds/white people burn out fast. So as time goes by I'm grateful for being Korean, yes seems superficial but what can I say but the truth. It sucks to age, that's why everyone is into plastic surgery etc. besides the sun damage from my tanning days I'm not that old looking after all.


KP said...

Hah! It's true! I cant help but feel the same's like an evil self-esteem boost. Oooh, we're bad:)

imworkingfromtheinsideout said...

Yes unexpected and evil..mawwhhaaaa
hey we suffered more than enough being the minorites, feeling ugly cause we didn't look like the majority. It's our turn to shine...
Oh yeah oh yeah (while dancing circles) Feels so good to be bad sometimes. ;)

Anonymous said...

This comes as a great post because I feel exactly the same. All those ppl who used to hate on me (literally HATE) on me are now really big losers.

As for the middle aged thing - when the hell did that happen, right?!?

FB is so addicting!

imworkingfromtheinsideout said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling this way.."high five ladies"!
Yeah middle age...kinda scary but at least we don't look it!