Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's all in the details!

We finally ripped out all the old cabinets and are preparing for the new cabinet installation. It has been a tedious and dreary journey because the old ladies are living under the construction and with no kitchen. The bathroom remodels went smoothly since there was always one bathroom available but not having a kitchen is causing some stress and headaches. That's on their end but it hasn't been a joy ride for me either. Man no wonder people hire contractors to coordinate, find, price, etc for remodels. Although I should shut up since the timing so far has been pretty smooth. If things go according to plan (cross my fingers) they will have their new kitchen by next Saturday the latest.

So its all in the damn details...we have to first get a plumber to cut off and cap off the old drainage for the washing machine...yeah its a older house that had a hook up for a washer in the kitchen but before my uncle built around the drainage but this time we were told clearly to have it removed before the cabinet installer arrives. The hot and cold water pipes were successful turned in although my husband had to do some work on the hot water pipe to tap it off. The old gas line was successful capped off too but the stupid drain pipe didn't move a budge. We know when to hire a professional and this is definitely time. So we have called three plumbers to get an estimate of what the damage will be however they aren't very good about phone estimates. They want to come over to see the job or will give you a flat hour rate of $85 so we will have to decide by tonight which way to go. I will have to go tomorrow to accept delivery of the cabinet and appliances(make sure all the stuff is there) and sand the wall and finish priming them. Hopefully we will also get a visit from a honest plumber to fix the problem cause the cabinet installer will be coming on Monday. We met with the granite guy today and he will come in after the installation on Tuesday and said they will install on Thursday, latest Friday so the old ladies can have their kitchen back by next weekend!

I got lucky in that the hubby was able to reroute the heating vent from the wall to the ceiling, besides doing dry wall, wiring and tiling. Did I mention how lucky I'm to have such a handy guy. This is a guy who has never ever did anything handy in his life before he met me. I'm the brains and he is the muscle in our team..he isn't good working outside of the box, that's where I come in...growing up without I learned to be resourceful/ghetto making do with out having the proper tools to get the job done. So we make a kick ass team, although got to admit I'm getting tired and can't wait for all remodel stuff to be over so we can have out weekends back again!

So far we are coming in budget since we are doing most of all the labor...I just hope the 10k left will be enough for the rest of the house! Reminds me when we sued to watch the Home flipping shows when the market was looked so exciting and fun. I'd joke to the hubby maybe we should do that...yeah right, uh after this I won't do another remodel again, unless I get paid!


KP said...

Wow! I can't believe how much you guys are doing. What an undertaking! Great job, you two!

Anonymous said...

I'm envious! It will be SOOOO long before we have a house to renovate. I think it's amazing that you're doing the changes by yourself. Good look. Make sure to take before and after pictures.