Sunday, December 21, 2008

Begging and wishing

It's the cutest thing ever Lucky came to us "pre-owned" and with it we were super lucky to say the least...she came fully potty trained but not only that she also "begs", totally cute and irresistible. As my mom says how can I not give her any food, besides everyone is in love with her. She greets everyone who comes into the house, so friendly gentle and lovable. So she's got a fan club because she has the ability to make everyone she comes in contact with special by giving them attention and love.

We've got family members who never considered owning a dog wanting a dog just like her, my mom said to me "You will giver her to me right since I will be alone?" She actually coos and talks to Lucky like a baby and says Lucky is better than a person because she gets up and runs to the door to greet her. She picks her up and cradles in her arms and of course feeds her even though we tell her not to since although cute as she is "begging" its not a good habit. So as like with all the grandchildren she does not listen to what I say but spoils Lucky. I can get over it after all if spoiling Lucky brings her some joy fine.

I worry about her since she has no other life than working...I actually told her I'd wish she would date. She thinks I'm crazy, she says she will never do that, she is waiting to join my dad. I told her he's probably pimping it up there with a bunch of young women while she is worried about being with him! I can't say I admire that about her but I can understand...I find it sad because her entire life was about her husband and his family. She lived her life as a good daughter-in-law of the eldest son however she expects so little from her own daughter-in-laws, although it seems like I fulfill those needs. I don't mind but I wish she would stop living like a martyr because it's hard having a mother that is so damn self sacrificing and a saint. Cause you know what I'm tired of filling those shoes, I've had more than my share of self sacrificing and abuse. I want me time and not feel guilty about it...I want her to take a new outlook of her life and finally live for herself. So maybe I'm wishing for far more than what can be but maybe just maybe with time she can actually have her own life, one that she wants to live, really live not just waiting to die.

That's my wish for Christmas this year for my mom to want to live, to have a fresh start in a new life that she is able to enjoy and find the joy that could be her life! I believe this will help me in my own life, to live my life as I should, to the fullest without regrets, with hope and desire not just wanting to escape, wishing it to be over, to really live. I do want to live, not to go through the motions but create the life I want to have. To be grateful of all that I'm blessed with, so this Christmas Santa please please bring my mom a real desire to want to live her a life and I promise I will live my own!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I know deep down in this empty dark soul is a warm person, a person who enjoyed being with others, enjoyed being outdoors, enjoyed living life besides its bumpy path, one who picked herself up when she fell down. But today she is nowhere to be found, she has been gone for along time, far longer than ever before. I think she wants to come back yet she is so far from where she came from. Her tracks have faded away, the storms of anger and pain have all but erased her steps, her former self all but left as a distant memory quickly fading. She is scared of this new person who has emerged, she is confused at who she has become, she hates who she is yet she is unable to change. It sounds so easy to say get off your fat ass and walk back into your life, take hold of what is yours, hold on to it for dear easy because here I sit unable to move. Frozen in this misery unable to move forward or back, just clinging on to the hopelessness that is me. Hating this blob who is me, ashamed of what I have become because looking back I'm survived so much more with so little, yet now when I have more than I ever had I've become so helpless, small and pathetic. Worst of all I fear of what I'm placing into my children, the memories of a dark, angry, irrational who loses it at a drop of a dime...the ugly truth that is reality. One who waits for her life to happen as she waits for the world to change when in reality it is she who needs to change. I've become the monster I did not wish on anyone, especially the little souls that rely on me to grow as I'm stunting their growth, their development of their self worth and identity.

It has never been harder than today for me to break out of this darkness, this deep fog that chains my soul into this bleakness....I want to break free, to lift my soul to the light, to be lifted of this burden that is I...yet I have failed.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Same old sh*%

It's been awhile since I have wrote anything besides being busy with house guests and working on mom's house its still the same thing. Min., hours, days, months and even years go by and its the same thing. I'm still waiting to live my life, I'm still waiting for when I lose the weight, when I feel better emotionally, when we have money, when I start working again. It's the same cycle I realize I've learned it from my parents always putting their life on hold till they have the money, till the retire, till later and then wham tomorrow is here and gone and guess what we are still waiting. I'm tired, really tired could be the stupid cycle but I feel zapped out. Could be staying up two nights with a sick child, the depression, the extra weight...blah blah blah...that's what it sounds to my own ears.

I'm tired of listening to myself, not changing, being me, but not really me although is this the me now, after all we change, so maybe this is who I'm overweight SAHM, who is depressed still waiting to grow up and get the life she wanted, although she doesn't ever seem to know what she really wants or do.

We are having house guests again for Christmas, its at our house again..and as of this moment I wish it wasn't. I'm not interested in hosting Christmas or any other shit ever. Ok ever seems like never but as of right now I do not want it, any of it..I'm drowning, suffocating, I want to be gone...poof just like that. I suck, I find it hard to be happy, to appreciate my life, I know its better than many others, that I should be grateful but the bitterness and disgust is what it is.

I love my dog Lucky, she is such a sweet dog, we are lucky we got her. I guess that's the positive note, besides my son doing well in school and being such a good kid. And this is a child born out of wedlock, to a single mom. One of his teachers signed him up to take the GATE testing at his high school last week and it turns out he passed. Gotta say I'm so proud of him, I didn't say anything to him when he came home with the letter to do the IQ test, I didn't want him to feel pressured to pass or worse feel like a failure if he didn't make it. But he did and I'm so proud of him besides just that. I feel proud because he is such a great kid, not just saying that cause he is my son, actually I think I expect way more from my kids than other people's and I'm not one to gush complements or brag, although maybe I need to a bit more. I take more of a humble approach, have been around people who brag and such about their kids and its not pretty. But hey I can, he gets excellent grades, way more mature than I was at his age and listens pretty damn well. Besides being empathetic and caring about others...even as a three year old I remember his pre-school teacher telling me she thinks he will grow up to be a diplomat because he makes friends with the new kids and comforts kids when they are crying or sad.

Not gonna lie I had my doubts, especially since not having any real support for him from my family, I just hoped he would stay away from wanting to be a gang member or trying to be like his "sperm donor" I know crude and sad but its true. I know I need to grateful and thankful but its hard. I miss my dad...I try not to think about it, it's what makes me move on but I'm still so raw and painful. I tried not thinking about him, not visiting the cemetery like I used too, to make it easier but it hasn't gone sucks now. I know there are good things but they aren't good for me..motherhood isn't good for me. I pretend that it all other parents that glow and boast about their kids...sometimes I wish I never had them because I feel like they could of had a better mother. I seem to carry all the negative, angry, ugly parts of my childhood...I want to do better for my kids but realistically how can I when I'm still in the darkness?

I missed writing although I did not have much to write about, just the daily crap but not with much depth or insight. It finally starting raining last night, currently is is raining, actually pouring at's dark and grey how I feel..I think I need a good cry too. I hate to be me...I want to grow up to be someone awesome, not depressed or angry.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We're committed!

So we did it, we made a commitment to a new family member and it's a girl! We had always wanted a dog but the timing had never been right, for the last few months I thought about getting us a new family member, going back and forth with all the pros and cons. We knew we wanted a small dog since it would be an indoor dog, one that doesn't shed much, one that doesn't require tons of activity and most likely a pound dog. Even though puppies are adorable we know they need lots of training to be house trained. We know there are allot of dogs out there needing love so that’s why we decided on a pound dog. Her name is Lucky Sa-rang-ee Lee and she is from Korea, we adopted her from Happy Ending Rescue , a wonderful small organization that rescues dogs from Korea. We actually found her on while doing a general search. I couldn't resist how adorable she was; even though she is four years old she still looks like a puppy but is house broken and very sweet! We all fell in love with her and within a day we drove down to Anaheim to see her at her foster home.

Lucky ran right up to us and wanted some love, she laid on her back wanting her tummy to be rubbed. I even cradled her in my arms like a baby and she just laid there nuzzling her face to my breast! We were definitely impressed by her sweetness and knew we wanted her. We confirmed we wanted her that night and she would be brought to our home for a final inspection and delivery. She has been in our home since Sunday but it feels like she's been here forever, she fits in with our family perfectly and she is such a great dog! I can't believe how well adapted and wonderful she is!

She is our Chinese Korean dog, just like our Chinese Korean household, she is prefect for us. I know it sounds corny but I feel like she was meant for us. I have to admit sometimes I do believe in things were meant to be, not just random! Her name was Ai-Chan, changed from Sa-rang-ee from Korea but we decided on Lucky because she is lucky we believe to come from all the way over from Korea. I wanted to keep her name Sa-rang-ee (means love in Korean) however my son said it was too hard to pronounce, so that is why it is her middle name.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sometimes I feel like writing, I have lots to get off my chest but then other times nothing. I have no inspiration what so ever to write anything, I follow all my blogs with earnest and dedication but I have nothing. Sometimes more than not I seem to be flat, no real emotion, like if I'm in energy conservation mode. It seem easier, I guess I'm used to be being brain dead since its been a few years I have been on this hiatus but I really believe I need to go back. I need conversation, I need mental stimulation, I need to work my brain by learning new things. Being a SAHM isn't for me not permanently regardless of how much money we had, if we had it. I need more than cleaning house, cooking meals and taking care of my family. It just doesn't cut it for me, the truth be it I believe I'm not cut out for this. I don't have the patience, I have more patience and understanding towards other kids just not mine.

The daily small repetitive things irk me, so monotonous and predictable. I miss conversation with people outside of my family. I miss having debates, differences of opinions and intellect, smart ass teenage ramblings and incessant whining of four year old don't count. Unfortunately hubby isn't much of a thinker or conversationalist, I talk he listens. I didn't marry him for his debating skills, did I mention it's like talking to a wall. Love the man, love the kids just need some good conversation sometimes.

I miss good conversation.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"You can't...."

"You can't let her watch this kind of stuff mom, she is too young. She's not supposed to be liking boys till like she is 10, she supposed to think they are yucky!"
This is what my 15 year old son told me 5 min. ago because the tv is on and zoey 101 is on. Not that baby girl is really watching it, but since he changed the channel she had a fit. They have been on each other's back since he got home 2 and half hours ago. Go figure I didn't think there would be sibling bickering with a age gap of 11 years, figured wrong!

My son is already so overprotective of his baby sister, he's told me he doesn't want her to grow up to be a stupid girl he wants her to do sports, he doesn't want her to wear skirts or shorts. He says he knows what boys think about when they look at girls, he doesn't want that for his baby sister. He says "boys are dirty mom, they really are, I know how they are cause I know how I'm". He actually left wrestling class because they had a sub and they were just standing in the gym watching the cheerleaders. He said he felt like a pervert, he thought the sub was one too, they weren't doing anything but just standing around watching the cheerleaders so he and friend left. He felt like he was being disrespectful and didn't want to be. He made me laugh but I was proud to know he had respect for females and not to act on things, even if he thought it.

I have two older brothers and they were never that over protective of me. I feel bad for baby girl cause she not only has a dad but a big brother protecting her. Baby girl is a girlie girl, so unlike me, at least not that I remember. She loves Disney Princesses and Barbie and at first I was determined for her not to like that crap. I hated the idea of her falling into the Princess crap, being helpless waiting for her Prince charming but then I realized I shouldn't push my ideologies on her yet. She loved baby dolls since she was 9 months old, pretending to breast feed her toys. She is drawn to glittery stuff, pink stuff, but she also loves the color blue. She chooses her clothes, she brushes her hair, she hates being dirty, whenever she comes in from anywhere she goes into the bathroom to wash her hands.

I want my kids to be themselves, without me telling them what to be. I want to give them all the tools to be the best people they can be, yet not to short change themselves by taking the easy way out. Sometimes I fear without experiencing hardship and want they will not be grateful of everything they do have. However I realize we can't compare our lives to theirs, just like i can't compare my life from my parents. Different circumstance and time, unless you live through it you can not understand. So be it I will try and parent without too much judgement and no "when I was your age" stories although I may have slipped up on both. So I will try and let them be their own individuals with support and understanding to the best of my abilities. I will slip up as I have, I will push them in directions that may have been my own but in the end I will give them the tools and confidence to become the very best they can be to be happy. That's what matters in the end, loving and believing in themselves.


Stagnant was the day, everything encompassed within felt bleak and dreary, it was very clear her life ended here. There was no real pain but numbness, a dulling weight that dragged her deep within herself. It was the scorching pain she once knew, at least she could deal with that pain but this was unlike anything else she could understand or know how to handle. All she knew was that it wasn’t so bad why did she feel this way, why couldn’t she lift herself from this. She had always struggled in the past, regardless of how bad things got she was able to push herself through. Now looking back she didn’t know how she did it but she did, after all she came this far. Now she was stuck, unable to free herself because she did not know what it was that held her. Whatever strength she may have held before was drained, empty and gone….so far gone now. It shouldn’t be this way but it was.

Looking back it would seem there was no such thing as bleakness or resentment but it became very clear to her she felt it. It wasn’t to anyone but for her self, her lack of drive, passion and joy. There was no one to blame and so she accepted it however it didn’t make things better. That’s all she wanted, to feel ok. Yet she wasn’t able to hold on that feeling, yes she did feel ok even great some days but then as soon as it came it left but worse left her lifeless, bleak, numb. It hurt her in ways she was unable to explain, she didn’t want to feel this way but she had no control over it, just like everything else in her life. But one would think one could control their feeling, emotions but hers was so far from that…it was easier to control other people’s emotions and feelings. She always felt good because she could make others feel better, even though she wasn’t able to make herself feel ok she was able to make others feel good…that made her feel ok. But that now slipped far away too after all she was alone at home with her baby. It didn’t make sense why she felt so trapped.


I tend on to hold onto things from the past, dreaming of the future and not live in present. It' saddens me because I realize I do not like today, I'm always waiting for tomorrow to happen, when I believe things will get better. Before I know it times has past and I don't remember living it because I haven't. I have let hours, days, years slip past my fingers trying to be something else, to improve, to be better. But I only see the shadow of my former self, the hopes, dreams and energy of youth are far gone. Physically I have changed wrinkles, aged, gained weight, I lack the luster and hope of youth. .I'am weathered and beaten far before my years. I do not recognize this person I’ am, if it weren't for the pictures of my former self I would find it hard to believe I was ever young, hopeful or bright.

But I do not hate myself as I did in my former years, I accept who I'm although now I wonder if acceptance is better. I do not know whether just by the extremes I had lived in my younger years I have aged so or have I lost all ability to hope and dream. I'm only 35 going on 36 years but I feel like I'm in my sixties, I feel much older than I'm supposed to be. I do not like this new self, the shell that is although I do not wish to go back to the recklessness of my yester years.

They say youth is wasted on the young but with age I notice we become bitter, scarred from our battles, the enthusiasm of youth, the novelty far gone. I don't know if I would trade all the knowledge in the world because with this we lose our wonder, delight and awe of the simpler things in life. Things become more complicated, nothing is right or wrong, there are always different perspectives and view points, nothing is black and white, good or evil but all different shades of grey.

I miss the simpler times, I wish for the desire and fire to be within myself but all that is left are ashes. Cold and grey, it is empty.


I haven't been able to sleep, well less than usual but this time because my mind has been "on". You know the constant thoughts and ideas that go on in your head even when you want to turn it off to sleep. But no sleep just more ideas and thoughts..I can hear the rusty gears slowly cranking in motion, evidently the little bit of reading I accomplished has set the gears in motion. Good grief what did I start? I mean it's good I'm using my mind a bit more but I need sleep, ok I haven't had good restful sleep in awhile but sleep neverless. So last night I fell asleep at a decent hour 1145, but I woke up from a dream and I couldn't get back to sleep.

I had so many things I wanted to write about, but today mind is a black hole. All that kept me awake has slipped into the dark pit and I have no recollection of what kept me awake all night! Old age, brain fart, or motherhood, not cool. I thought maybe if I wrote it all down I would be able to sleep tonight, maybe I need to get up and write it all down while it’s still fresh in my mind.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I used to love reading spending days enamoured with a book until I consumed the last pages. I could not have enough because it let me escape, to live another life, to feel, experience in some one elses life escaping my own. It has been years since I have read with such fervor and relish as I did as a child, but I long to hold that enchantment and escape. I miss the connection however abstract with the books I read. I miss it all, to widen my world even though I'm chained into my own reality. The escape I have needed I have sought in books, as before. I started reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, for some reason I had never read this book but heard of it so often I found it online. I finished it half an hour ago and even though it did not enrapture me as other books it gave me thought and reflection. I led me away from my own dreary life to another time, another life, to step outside of my own pitiful complaints and boredom. I finished the book in two days, reading, devouring the book with such hunger for I had been famished for mental intellect.

The greatest joys I 've had were of learning of things new and different, school brought time joy although the testing always turned me off the learning always lite a fire of curiosity and pleasure for me. It is refreshing to know that I'm still enlightened and fulfilled by my mind, I feel refreshed and curious to learn, I feel a little light has shinned into my deep dark cave leading me to the light I so desperately sought. I feel hope, and I'm not completely lost..the insanity has either completely taken over or the fog has lifted for today. Regardless I feel a bit more of my old self, I need to challenge my mind and seek out my yearning of learning new things.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wooohoooo OBAMA is President!!!

I just want to say "Yes and in your face McCain/Palin!!!" I'm so joyful, elated and humbled by this moment in American history. Finally America has stepped into the 21'st century as a nation of equality and freedom. I feel proud to be an American at this moment, I just hope that prop 8 fails and California's realized that it was about taking away people's rights, not destroying family.

Listening to McCain's speech right now, how lame of his people to boo when he said Obama's name, but I guess not surprised. I feel sorry for him but we needed change, we needed Obama!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I never really feared death growing up, actually eagerly awaiting it. As I became a teenager I tried killing my self many times, I felt so much pain all I wanted was peace, not to feel the pain but sleep forever and never wake up. Part of the drinking was to numb myself, to give myself courage to do the things I wanted to do. I sometimes wonder if this depression thing is really a chemical imbalance or just self-hatred. It amazes me that even now as a woman who is almost 36 I still lack the self confidence and belief in myself. I feel scared and unable, I feel so small and insignificant but worst I know i shouldn't feel this way but I do.

I know rationally that I should not feel this way but I cannot stop feeling this way. I feel numb, not in pain but I do not feel any joy either. My life is just that, not the worst, nor the best, it is stagnant. I read other people's blog and they are living their lives, their dreams, they have a focus, a hobby, something that brings them joy, their children bring them joy. I do not feel this way, I want to but I don't. I love my children and know they are precious but as of lately I'm tired, I wish to sleep, to get away from it all. I'm tired of worrying about the bills, the happiness and well being of others...I'm tired of taking care of others, I have not taken care of myself, I have lost what little self I had found, it is completely gone. I'm so far gone that I have nothing left to care about others...all the things that used to bring me joy does not.

I do not want to seek company of others, I do not want to entertain others in my home but that is in the plans. I will have guests for Thanksgiving and Christmas, hosting both events at my home. Before I never thought it as a chore or burden but now I feel overwhelmed and I'm dreading it. I don't feel like socializing, worrying about how clean the house will be, stocking up on food, thinking about what to cook...I don't know what has happened to me but all of that makes me feel anxious not joyful. The worst part is it is my husband's family so I must entertain them as well as making sure they are comfortable and well fed. No hiding out in my room. I know I suck...I shouldn't feel this way but I do. Everything feels like a burden to me.

I'm a burden to myself...I want to escape...a drink isn't going to help this time.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

All in a day

It's past one Saturday morning and I'm barely winding down from day (Friday). Trick or treating was a success, gave away all the candy, we had alot of kids(at least 50+) and I got some baking done too. We made pizza for dinner so I had to make up some pizza dough, while I was in the mood I had make a double batch of chocolate ship cookies ( i freeze half of batter) and some sugar cookies. I found this awesome recipe at This sugar cookie rocked, so soft and crisp at the same time. I even ended up decorating it using a icing recipe at allrecipes, this one included using corn syrup with the milk.

I don't know if this recipe is just fool proof or I'm just better at baking now but the cookie turned out awesome, a definite keeper. It helps to read the comments by users cause they offer great suggestions and changes, that way you can make the cookies with all the suggestions. I personally added like 1/4 cup more of sugar and another tsp. of vanilla and I used the parchment paper to roll out the dough and cut out the shapes. I had it in the fridge for about 5 hours before I used it and it was so easy to use. I didn't need to add flour or sugar to keep it from sticking. I actually had my nieces help me cut out the shapes however they had to go home before I baked them. So they missed out on the best part, decorations (going to drop off some cookies to them later today).

However I had another eager group of helpers to fill in, my cousin, her son, my baby girl, and hubby decorated the cookies. Filling the whole cookie with color makes it look much prettier, although I did make some goofy looking cookies. It was fun although my feet hurt from standing most of the day. I barely finished up cleaning up all the mess, crumbs, dishes and cookie sheets at around midnight.

Then I finished imputing a few bills I received today, caught up on some blogs and now winding down for some sleep. Heading to mom's tomorrow to hopefully install the bath tub and get some more work done on the house. Hopefully the bath tub is in stock at The Home Depot, they didn't have it in stock last week. Although it did take better half of Saturday to take out the old tub and we were able to work on moving the light over and patch up the wall. Ok, hubby worked on it and I felt lazy and unmotivated, again!

Stupid pms jacked me up, having pre cramps even though it hasn't started yet. Figures I feel bloated and crampy even before the fact...lamn really hate it...good side I'm not super crazy yet and drinking the beer last night was great. I felt relaxed and got a slight buzz on, god it had been such a long time and luckily it hit the spot. I really needed it, my back/shoulder pain even disappeared for a bit. They say its healthy to have a drink now and then, maybe I will start having one a few times a week.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Samuel Adams

What I'm drinking now....Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat...damn that's good. Cold crisp, a light taste of cherry first and finished with wheat. Why did I wait so long???

Pmsing, biatchy me....

It's about that time again, well err that "time" too but dinner I mean. So the hubby should be here within 45 min. but here I'am blogging instead of cooking the bacon. It maybe cause it's almost that "time of the month" again or maybe because it's totally grey and over cast today. I've had a total headache, kinda foggy although felt much better after my hot shower. My shoulder/back really ached besides everything else but that helped the headache for a bit. Maybe its the dry weather, sinus pressure...this weather has been crazy from hot to cold one to another. Regardless it sucks...I'm tired, out of it and I don't want to cook dinner. I have plenty of meal ideas and ingredients but I totally suck right now and don't want to do jack.

Maybe I was put into this foul mood last night by a obnoxious teenager and a annoying old woman. They really know how to push my button besides I'm totally pmsing and feel moody as shit. I ended up crying cause I was so mad, it wasn't even a big deal but it's really never about anything is it. Just a bunch of pent up emotions, with exhaustion and no me time equals crazy sobbing. Yep a cigarette, a beer, some soulful music and a good cry sounds just about right.

On a positive note(didn't think it was possible) I did start on my Christmas shopping today, via online of course and actually got 8 people off the list! And I stayed on budget too...double woohoo....not. See I know I'm in the craps....great tomorrow evening will be a night of non stop door bell and trick or treat. Well at least I'm prepared...candy check, pumpkins carved check, costumes check...gotta get that beer now. No really I think I deserve a drink, or I can always run away from home.

Truth: I'm just a crazy biatchy mom....

Monday, October 27, 2008


"Silence" no little voice saying "oma this, oma that"..."oma, oma" well it lasted for half an hour as the three ajunmas did their drive by( drop of food to a friend). How nice a peaceful it was for a brief moment, but back to reality. "Oma, oma where are you? Did you miss me? I missed you so much!" Half an hour is an eternity to a four year old...oye.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Well it's Sunday and I don't have much to write about, no inspiration, no ranting, anger, sadness, etc. The baby girl is sleeping and the hubby left for home around 8pm after another weekend of work. Update on baking chocolate mousse cake was a success, although not as pretty as I wanted it to be but everyone loved it. I decided to cut the cake into heart shapes with the cookie cutter, it was a good idea although they use forms for a reason. The mousse on my small heart cakes were oozing out the side and the cake was slipping of the top. So I thought I''d stick a toothpick on the top to hold it in place, well good ideas aren't always so good in practice. Lets just say the cake were in lays, like steps. But the mousse was good, so soft, creamy, fluffy and chocolaty.

Speaking of food I did prefect my hoddeuk recipe. I used the one from My Korean Kitchen but I tweaked it for my mother who thought using glutinous rice powder would make it taste better. I originally started off just using flour however while researching it online I found another from Kitchenwench and tried doing the rice powder. It was unanimous the hubby, kids, and my cousins preferred the flour one better. The rice powder one was too sticky and did not have the fluffy airiness of the flour batch nor the flavor, it was bland. So the next time I used my original recipe and used half flour and half rice powder. It turned out better but still seemed to sticky and no airy enough for me. Well last weekend when I was at mom's I set out another try at it but this time I used only half a cup rice powder to two cups flour and it turned out so good. It had the fluffiness, airiness and also a bit of the sticky factor, just a bit though. It was perfect!

This morning I fixed up the dough (doubled) so it would be ready by the time my mom got home from work. She loves the starchy stuff, breads, deuk..etc. It's the prefect sweet snack on a cool day, I guess that's when they street ajunmas sell them in the fall/winter. I never had one till I made my own so I really have no real reference to compare it to however all those who have tried them say it's just as good if not better. My Aunt even requested I make some for her bible study group tomorrow for 7 ajunmas including the pastors wife. So I guess that's a good sign, I notice once I keep making something it just gets easier and easier to turn out.

I remember the first time I started baking again I was so careful to measure the ingredients but now it's so easy. It's true one you bake enough you get to know the feel and sight of a dough, batter..etc. It just gets easier, your hands do get hand memory and know what something needs to feel like. I can roll out a perfect pizza dough now, you would think it was bought.

Wow I guess writing about nothing led me to write about food. Ok now I just have to get into the habit of taking pictures, the camera is there like 6 feet away but I don't do it. Not a habit yet, guess gotta make it one.

Friday, October 24, 2008

To do list

It's Friday again and I haven't had the chance/motivation to write. So I write out my to do list today:

1. Laundry

2. Pick up living room

3. Clean kitchen

4. Clean bathroom

5. Vacuum entire house

6. Bake hubby chocolate mousse cake

7. Water plants, indoors and out

So far that's it, not very exciting but all stuff that needs to be done. The most dreaded the chocolate mousse cake. For some unknown crazy reason I asked the hubby want he and the son wanted to eat, I was looking at the Tastspotting and was inspired to cook them something yummy and I wanted to show him my appreciation of all the work he's been doing at my mom's house. I was thinking more in terms of food but the hubby requested chocolate mousse cake. Huh? What I asked him over, chocolate mousse cake...not some big hunk of meat (son asked for a juicy steak)? Nope he wanted chocolate mousse cake, he has bit of a sweet tooth and I guess the last time he had it was when his mom baked it for him. Hmmm well I love to bake/cook but this is a new one never made mousse cake before. I looked up recipes seemed pretty simple enough although not so sure about the raw egg whites. It's been like over a week since I asked and I guess I really should make it for him, but the raw eggs kinda turned me off...heck I even went and bought whipping cream for it, I had all the other ingredients.

So I guess I will start and bake the cake and then make the mousse, it needs time to set in the fridge anyways. But first I need to eat my rice and kimchee/kongjaejong chigae. Yep my house is a bit stinky but I can't wait to gobble down that goodness! The kongjaejong was made by my mother last weekend (my mom rocks, she knows how to make so many Korean dishes) she made it from scratch, cooking the soy beans, fermenting it, pounding and seasoning it by hand. I also have a huge jar of kimchee and even kakdogee( dakon radish kimchee) in my fridge made from the week before. So had a mad craving for kimchee and the stinky bean paste with lots and lots of tofu (dueboo). It's almost about ready and stinking up my entire house but who cares. My daughter loves Korean food unlike my son.

She loves to eat rice, ducc, kimchee, anything Korean. Even though its spicy she will power it down and then drink lots of juice/water, say spicy spicy and then just eat the rice. It's so cute cause she knew what I was making. She says, "what are you making oma?" I say nothing, she says "I know you are making kimchee!" She's been calling me oma more lately than mommy, probably cause we have been at my mom's every week. Plus side she has picked up on more Korean and understands and speaks to the old ladies. Too cute!

Back to food, kimchee chigae has to be the most comforting, homey food to a Korean mac and cheese and stew. Man I love it, the comforting feeling, the spiciness but also the feeling of "sheanaw" feeling you get from sipping the hot bubbly soup! It warms you up and tastes so good, the salty, to tangy, to spicy..although the flavors mingling. Ok gotta go eat now, but I will start on the cake after I eat.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My babies

Just sitting here in the quiet since baby girl has fallen asleep since she seems to be a bit under the weather. Otherwise she would still be up, I know she should be in bed early but since she doesn't go to school I've kept it mellow. Besides the first 18 months of her life she was on a schedule, feeding at 430am cause we had to commute hour to work, so she deserves some late mornings before school starts. I love it when she sleeps, her little face, the way she breathes and the peacefulness of it all.

I actually miss the days when I used to breastfeed her and she would look up into my face with adoration and love. And no matter how painful and sore my bloody nipples were I could not deny her my milk. There truly is no way to express the closeness and bond a woman feels while nursing her babies. Don't get me wrong it wasn't all so sweet and lovely but tiring, hard and painful. The plugged up ducts, the piercing of the nipples to dislodge them...yes it hurt like hell yet I remember just numbing myself to go on, besides being incredibly exhausted. I remember falling asleep myself while feeding her in my lap (good old boppy saved my life) and feeling so empty and starved in the morning after feeding her all night. How I loved and wanted so much to give her my milk, even though I couldn't see her for three days, I had a emergency C-section after 19 hours of being in labor and her lung collapsed and had to be put in NICU.

I was so determined to breastfeed her I remember trying to pump my milk, putting it in tiny cup feeding into her mouth. The frustration and pain of trying to get her to latch correctly wasn't bad enough but I also swelled up coming home 10 pds heavier from the hospital after delivery! I'm one of those people whoa re bad with anesthesia, instead of peeing out all the damn IV fluid I retained it all. It was scary luckily after first week I actually lost 30 pounds, mostly fluid. My mom gave me some squash juice because it was supposed to help the swelling go down besides the traditional seaweed soup diet for mother's who've just given birth. No wonder Korean women lose the weight so fast they only eat soup and rice! Besides I remember having no appetite what so ever, everything tasted like card board. This also happened with my son although I gave birth to him naturally but I swelled up like a balloon with him but not as much.

Sadly my two pregnancies were far apart and so different. One so pained and resented the second wanted yet pained. During both of my pregnancies I lost people I loved, first was my grandmother and second was my father in law. I know they say it always evens out a life lost and life gained but it sucks. I never had any grandfather's growing up and that will be the way for my kids. My son was lucky in that he got to spend time with my dad the most, he was also my dad's favorite grand child. I know I used to feel angry and mad while raising my son in my parent's home. They spoiled him, the tried to over ride me whenever I tried disciplining him, it was hell but now I'm glad I did live with them. There is the bad and ugly but I think there is way more good, good for my son besides my parents. I'm glad he knew my dad...his"papa" cause he will have to share memories with his little sister. Even though she seems to have some memories of him and tells him.."hi papa, I love you papa, bye papa" when we go to the cemetery I know those memories will fade since she was way too young.

I miss my still hurts, I try not to think about him but when I do it still hurts, I hurt..I miss you Apa, so much.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Ok I didn't want to talk about politics but the fact is how can I not with it being in my face. On the news, on the web, on people's yards, on their cars, in my mail, everywhere! I'm a registered democrat however that doesn't mean I would vote that way blindly. I do agree with some things and not with others but I'm pro choice and pro marriage for gays/lesbians. It bothers me that republicans are so against gay/lesbians that they have Prop 8 to stop what has already been ok'd by the state. Get over it and spend your money else where, outside of other people's private lives. What a sad life they must live to put so much energy and money into stopping others people's right to marry. Why do you think you have the right to tell someone else if they can or can not marry. They aren't children, criminals or sociopaths but men and women who love each other. They didn't chose their sexual orientation, just like their sex, race, or color. So why is it they cannot choose to marry the man or woman they love because they are the same sex. It is not ok, there was time in American history where men and women of different races were not allowed to marry, that people of color were not allowed to own propriety/land and where women were not able to vote. It is time to move forward not back and we shouldn't take the rights away of gay/lesbian couples to marry.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Facing the truth

Ok I know what I need and sometimes it takes for someone else to tell me what I need to do, kinda like permission. Sounds funny and weird but it's true but we/I need someone outside of the situation to clearly tell me what is so obvious. I need my space, I need my sleep, I need me time.

So what am'I going to do about it besides giving it a lot of lip service, I'm going to change my behavior, I know easier said but done but I have to since I really can't stand myself right now.

My plans are to have baby girl sleep on her own, enroll her in the co-op preschool since money isn't of abundance right now, get a job (this will solve many worries) and lose the twenty pounds.

Ok I got my plan and now gotta work out the details but I want to have them all accomplished before Christmas, before the new year.

Here I come goals....ok I'm scared but I will move forward.

...sleepless in southern california

Well it's 1:22am and I'm awake not by insomnia but by a 4 year old old. She is currently in the office with her father who is playing WOW(world of war craft). She went to sleep quickly after she was read two stories by daddy but woke up 30 min ago. I tried to comfort her and told her to go back to sleep, for I was barely starting to fall alseep myself, however she couldn't do it. Tossing, turning, and whimpering looking for daddy all while laying on my arm.

Yes she still sleeps with us, that may be the reason of my insanity. The reason I have no real identity but only know as "mommy"is this but "mommy" swore to herself to be more patient and understanding but I'am not. So I find myself here typing into a bright blaring screen in the pitch dark. I can hear his voice, her voice...I can not comfort her cause she wants daddy as of right now I can't, I don't want to comfort her.

A part of me feels bad the hubby isn't getting to enjoy his time, did I mention he is a computer nerd. Before we met his time was spent either at work on a computer or at home on a computer playing Everquest. His addiction to gaming has stopped since we've married and had baby girl. However he gets his one night of game time when baby girl and I sleep. Ok she sleeps and I lay awake watching late night tv, reality shows. I give him this after all it is his vice, addiction, hobby, source of pleasure. So begrudgingly I "allow" his time after all even with only 3-4 hours of sleep he comes with me to my moms to work.

I'm jealous, angry even...why? Because he gets to spend the day away from her, me and has conversation and interactions with others while I spend my days watching Dora and trying to entertain a four year old. I don't get a break, she follows/stalks me to the bathroom, it's like Big Brother watching me all the time although this is Little Sister.

How I yearn for the days of sleep without a sore, stiff arm while laying completely flat on my back. Not really sleeping because I'm always covering her up,-she kicks off her blankets, has moved too close to the edge of the bed, is flipped upside down. In ways I haven't sleep comfortably since the day she was born, my mom told me mother's never sleep and she wasn't kidding.

I'm tired and angry and I don't want to be. Have I been too selfless, foolish, a damn martyr? Suffering because I have created my own prison of giving every ounce of my self, only to be left with an empty, angry shell? Who but I , am to blame...I have sacrificed myself in the name of motherhood only to be angry and bitter. No one has asked me to do these things but I do them and then feel angry, tired, taken advantage of where I have no one to blame but myself.

I can't even point the finger to my mother because this is my duty as mother, to suffer but I'am an adult and I have a choice. But do I.....I wish I could say I know what is right and wrong, that I live my life this way but I do not. As I grow older what used to be so clear and obvious, good or evil, black or white has turned grey. Several different shades of grey and so complicated.

I hate being this way, I hate feeling so unsatisfied and unfulfilled with motherhood, I hate that I do not know who I'am. I wish I could run away sometimes, I can understand how a woman can leave her family, just disappear one day and never come back. I do fantasize about leaving everything behind, traveling the world. Living my dream, not being afraid of being me. To stop suffering in silence but to let myself be me. But this is the family that I created, this is mine, my love, my tears, my time, my anger, and yes my sacrifices of being a mother.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Action results in a reaction, so it shouldn't surprise me that since I'm not feeling like a caged up bear that I'm handling the baby girl's melt downs as I should and not like a crazed lunatic. I notice she has more outbursts, melt downs and tears when I'm feeling impatient and short. Or the truth is I can handle her better so she doesn't have a full blown tantrum. It lies on how I react to her, when I'm feeling the crazies I don't feel loving, patient or tolerant. Hell I can't even tolerate this skin I'm living in alone a whiny, monkey on my back pre-schooler.

Since the crazies has gone I've been patient and even nurturing...point in example last night we were in Target getting my niece a birthday present and baby girl had a melt down. She wanted a toy she saw and we told her no we weren't at the store for her but for her cousin. She actually cried and yelled out loud! Now this child has never had a tantrum in a store let alone demanding us buy her something but for the last two months since we have been staying at my mom's she has been spoiled.

My mom and aunt have been indulging in her every whim...they go out shopping together ( we call them the 3 amigos/ajumas) and they have bought her whatever she wants. This is a new thing for her so of course up till now the child who was content just going to store and looking at things demanded we get her a toy. The hubby was surprised and upset by her out burst and told her he was taking in the car. She cried louder saying"no I don't want to go outside, sorry daddy please!" Instead of getting louder and going off in korean I grabbed her arm, lowered myself to her and looked into her eyes and calmly told her "We already told you we are here for Katie's birthday present and not for you. It's not ok for you to yell or cry like this, so stop or else daddy will take you outside." And wouldn't you know she stopped...besides saying"I'm sorry mommy I won't do it again."

She continued to look at things and ask for them but for Christmas and had no more melt downs. I realise that since I didn't have a full blown cow over it she got over it thing about her she forgets easily , says I'm sorry and doesn't hold a grudge. How I love this little crazy stubbornness only when she wants me but not in wanting things her way. It's easy to love such a easy going child.

My point is that it really is important how I react to her actions and how things end really is up to me. I have a control over my reaction, I'm the adult (ok sometimes I forget) and it's up to me to defuse the situation before it gets worse. It starts with me to take care of myself before I get the crazies, to have me time , to nurture and take care of myself so I can take care and nurture the ones around me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blogging Friends

They say one of the most important things for woman to have are friends, a support system that understands us, that heal us, that laugh, cry and complains with us. But sometimes we lose our life supports, be it through a move, a marriage, a birth of a child, a change in a career or just paths that diverge with time. I believe all the contacts and friendships we make are for a reason, no matter how short or meaningless we may seem to think they are, or not think about them at all.

We met people all the time, mostly from work at this age and we form bonds through similarities or simple respect of each other. But for a woman with children she loses all grasp of those friendship when she becomes a stay at home mom. She not only loses a wage, a career path, but her identity. Even though she swore to herself she would never lose who she was it bound to happen with warmth of this loving little being cuddled inside her arm. Then she takes another vow to protect and fiercely protect this precious gift bestowed in her arms.

All the memories of her life before are forgotten, as the haze of bi-hourly feedings, sore nipples, and constant care of this helpless new creature needing her. Unlike any other relationship she was in before, the love was instant, over whelming and so sweet. This tiny little creature who gave you stretch marks, heartburn, hemorrhoids, and gigantic plugged up ducts came to control you like a puppet. You are only there for this new precious being, any reminisces of your life before this new being is long forgotten.

So your on your way to motherhood, the quiet suffering as you lose all sense of your self, as the body you once knew has long been gone replaced with this big flabby, bumpy, swollen thing that gives life to this amazing being. So you lose friends, and if your lucky you aren't hit with post- pardum depression, and yet even as exhausted. It's all profoundly new and there are times of frustration and tears but still you keep it together enough to get that precious new being to be fed, bathed, clothed and diapered.

You feel so alone and even when you connect with friends with kids or new moms it still feels so alone. You feel like you are the only woman in the world to feel the lack of sleep, the crazy moments of weeping as the hormones change. You feel your world become hazier and hazier and you don't remember the days when you felt energized and awake. It seems like you never knew another life without sore, swollen boobs, diaper changes and spit up. But the sweet, angelic smile of your new being eases the pain, numbs the soul, as you slowly slip away.

Fast forward a few years and now your a full fledged mom, bigger literally and figuratively speaking. The former life before baby seems so far ago and you can't believe it actually was your own. Dance and stay out all night, drink and eat anything without worrying about getting it into the breast milk or to sleep in. So you try not to think about those days so wistfully, and convince yourself you are better, bigger, happier as your role as mom.

But deep inside you slowly die, motherhood kicks in and you know you want to do better than your own parents but unlike them you are bombarded with so much information. Too much structure,not enough, too much attention, not enough, no matter what you do you are guaranteed to screw up your kids. Then all the demons from your past come out, you are doing the things you swore you would never do with your kids, you are becoming your parent or worse you do not know how to parent, but your children have all run of your house because you are too afraid to discipline because you want to be their friend.

You become a angry because you are lost, you have given yourself completely to the point that there is nothing left to give. There is only a shell of your former self but you guilt yourself to do better, after all to be a mother is to be a martyr. Your laughter and smiles are lost replaced by frowns and screams. The wall of guilt grows higher and higher and we are forced to punish ourselves even more. After all we are our worst critics and we know we are crazy, we are the worst moms out there and that's all we are.

We have no self confidence, we cant wait until the kids go to school yet we are scared because can we go back to our former selves? Can we even get a job let alone a career? You know you can't stay at home once the kids are at school, a tiny part of you deep inside wants that desire and spark to be more. But you are so scared, you know logically you can go back but that still doesn't change the self doubt. Being a mother has strengthened you in ways you never thought possible, looking at poop and changing it without gagging, picking boogers with your bare hands, wiping up vomit without wanting to purge yourself but yet you are afraid.

Your life consists of reading the news online, then blogs and then one day you find yourself reading about other moms who actually had similar moments like you, even questioning their own sanity. They aren't stating motherhood isn't a bunch of bubbles, butterflies and rainbows but it sucks sometimes...ok a lot of the times. So the first time in a long time you feel a connection, you even have to look around because you are laughing out loud, feeling giddy and even good. Your newly acquired addiction has started and you log on daily, even in the middle of the night when you can't sleep.

You connect with these people you don't know, yet you feel their pain, disappointment and frustrations because they are like your own. You are finally able to relate you are not the only one in the world, that there are many like you out there and they are expressing themselves, baring their souls. So this motivates you to do the same, you start your own blog. You pick a anonymous name, something that can portray what you are feeling and you start writing. You keep reading others blogs, find inspiration to deal with your own demons. And then you do it, you reach out via a email or a comment because something has moved you enough. You are scared yet you feel the overwhelming pull to connect with this person, this person whom you seem to care so deeply about. A faceless person you haven't met but want to know because they are you. They convey the same feelings and thoughts you yourself have felt so many times before and you don't want them to feel that way. So in ways as you reach out to them you are reaching out to yourself.

Blogging friends are special and dear because we aren't forced to befriend them, we aren't obligated to respond if we don't want too, we choose to accept them when we are ready. This is to my new blogging friend Kia, thank you for reaching out and giving me this opportunity for our friendship.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Things That Move Us

I know everyone has things that moves them to tears, anger, joy, envy, exhilaration and pride. Sometimes it occurs with age but usually with experience. It shapes us to feel things differently than we did before. Be it shame as a child being scolded for something we did, the kiss of our first love, the anger of being called a name in the school yard or the simple joy of seeing a pretty flower. Whatever it may be this is what connects us to others, the experiences and feelings we associate with these life passing. Not always good, some traumatic but these are the things that allow us to empathize with others. Only sociopaths and deviants are unable to feel for others, unable to see beyond their own desires and needs.

But some times in life we all fail to see others needs before our own and we fulfill our own desires. In some cases these people are seen as smart, successful, men. But others are selfish, cold, bitches, women. This is the standard in our society, in many societies. Even when a woman succeeds to the top she is seen differently, called names, treated differently than a man, then she in turns becomes extra hard, cold and even ruthless. There is a double standard in this world, as much as we may study it, show proof of it, it will never really cease to stop. As much as we educate ourselves about such treatment, we all play a role in it. Only a very few actually live their lives by what they preach.

It is the easy way, after all if you are a woman speaking out against such treatment you will be isolated, torn down and tossed aside. It's a daunting task, like David and Goliath and at times the little guy does win but for every win there are thousands of more injustices that occur. But this doesn't stop the hopeful, the young, the ones who haven't turned bitter and disgusted. Rarely a few older souls stay bright, hopeful and untainted by the foul tastes life bring on.

They are the ones that are moved by the wonder and beauty of the morning sun, the joy and delight in a child's laugh, the devotion and faith in love. They give us hope to remember before the weight on our shoulders brought us down, the pain that defeated us, the shame we felt, the doubt we felt, the loss of hope. Sometimes its hard to see the sun through the thick haze of doubt, sometimes we all need a reminder of the things that moved us.

I'am human

to be human is to make mistakes,
to be human is to have regrets,
to be human is to learn from those mistakes,
to be human is not repeat those mistakes,
to be human is to make them again,
to be human is to move forward,
to be human is to move two steps back,
to be human is to be imperfect,
to be human is wanting perfection,
to be human is striving,
to be human is deciding,
to be human is enlightening,
to be human is what I want to be,
to be in pain,
to be imperfect,
to be moving forward,
to be regretting,
to be learning,
to be enlightened,
to accept I'am human.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

and then the beast reared it's ugly head.....

I know I'm PMSing but the craziness has got to stop...I don't know where the anger comes from but its insatiable monster that needs to be fed. It's all but a pin drop away before it implodes within myself. It happens monthly although lasts more than a week and then I restart all over again. Working at feeling normal again...hello is it just me?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yet another week has past.

It's already Friday although since I stopped working its not quite the same as before. Weekends were for shopping, laundry, wait it is the same but now I go to my mom's house and work. Today is my cleaning/laundry day, but I say that very loosely since I haven't cleaned anything but I did three loads of laundry. Half way true so yeah I'm on schedule...pms is on schedule and kicking my ass like usual. Gotta love the clock work as the "craziness" rears its ugly head.
I really believe there should be a pms pass where a woman can leave her home (children, spouse/sig. other, mess) for a week to somewhere preferably tropical, with warm sands, water, tanned topless waiters (21-25 years of age) serving drinks and cravings all while receiving massages. Which of course is mandatory otherwise your pass would be void. :) Or if you prefer a cooler climate somewhere in the snow covered alps, lounging in a thick terry clothed robe drinking hot chocolate, coffee (spiked with alcohol) or whatever your hearts desire. Of course being served hand and foot by some hot, young service boy. Just like the tropics only in a warm and cozy resort just for pms'd mom's of course. Lots of food any kind you can possible imagine and best part yet no phones, blackberries...etc.

Ok sign me up, I'm there. Hell make it only a weekend, two nights two whole days, without any guilt from my kids, husband, family and mostly myself! Cause you know we can guilt ourselves better (besides our Korean moms) than anyone else can. Well that was nice fantasy...hey it's even tamed the pms...maybe its like meditation, transport yourself to your good place, inhale, exhale...breathe.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blogging fool

I'm doing it, keeping up with the daily writing although I do notice I start off with a certain topic and then I ramble on and on. I guess I've got a lot to say and no one to say it too. One thing I do notice is that when I just write and then publish I end up with a mess. I understand the reason behind editing however part of me doesn't not want this to be a class in critical writing. I want the freedom to express myself regardless of how incoherent or disorganized it may be. Although I do want to make some sense but than if I need to rant and rave then be it I will. After all that was the reason why I started this.

I'm trying to make it visually appealing as well and even promised to post some pictures, after all I know I enjoy reading posts with pictures. I'm becoming more aware of other bloggers and know of at least one who follows my blog so I find myself wanting to please my sole reader. :) Yep its the "krajee korean mom" in me wanting to please others. But at the same time it's actually is a good thing, why? Because it makes me responsible because I need to answer to someone else besides myself while making a connection. I guess it goes back to meeting others needs before mine, but this also makes me feel happy. Helping, giving to others give me the greatest dream job would be a philanthropist to give money to others. Second for sure is a food critic, one that travels the world and tastes different foods. Yep in my perfect world I would be a traveling food tasting philanthropist.

Yep another simple task that has turned into a psycho-social analyzes...hmmm took too many psych and soc. classes. But hey I was trying to figure out why I was crazy although I never did find the answer after all I knew it all along. I'm not crazy cause real crazy people don't think they are crazy. Hmmm doesn't make me feel better. :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Black widows.....

At home right now, just spoke with the pest control guy about the annoying black widows. Since we moved here we've noticed a slight pest problem...ok really annoying and scary pest problem. I'm all about the circle of life and shit but having black widows all around my house is not ok. We waited to get them sprayed/exterminated but I've noticed even with finishing our backyard (no longer a dessert oasis festering with crickets, ants and spiders) they black widows remain. Till we moved here I have never seen a real life black widow but now I'm an expert. I'm also a victim of a spider bite...not sure if it was black widow but it was nasty because it caused a abscess a big as a half dollar and at least half inch deep. It was on my left side, at first it looked like a little red spot, didn't hurt. Week later the red spot grew, then it started to hurt and get hard. Of course during this time I didn't have health insurance either since I quit my job. I also noticed two little red marks, like bit marks. So I decided after much pain maybe I need to go to the doctor, looked up a urgent care place and went in. Well $240 later he told me it was a spider bite, I thought it was a "bug bite" and told me I needed to have it cut out, removed but he didn't do that there. He gave me antibiotics and gave me some advise since I didn't have health insurance. He advise me to put a hot cloth soaked in Epsom salt on the spot until it brought up the pus.
So I went home armed with my Epsom salt and towel and compressed my bite. It was painful and hard because I was still breastfeeding. But I managed to bring up the pus within a few days, but now what? It looked like a giant zit with white pus ready to pop. I didn't know what to do so I went and made an appointment at my old place of employment (medical clinic).

I was a side show, they never saw anything like it before, the P.A. who saw me said I needed have it removed like at the ER or somewhere, she was afraid to do it so close to my stomach. Luckily one of the doctors I knew saw me and came to say hello and said she could do it. Yep she squeezed this shit...yep it hurt but it was hurting already due to the swelling and shit. It was nasty, it looked like a giant zit, exploding with green and yellowish goop. She squeezed as much as she could and told me to keep squeezing it at home, to get all the stuff out. But to make sure to keep it covered and cleaned or else I would have a serious infection, I also got more antibiotics, turns out the other stuff was the wrong kind. Well after it was all said and done I had a huge gaping hole on my stomach, I saw another doctor at my old work and he told me I needed a skin graft most likely since the hole was so big. But he said we could try to put some patches on it first covered with gauze. He gave me some patches and instructions to keep it cleaned and to change it daily. Well it healed, the big round circle is now a bumpy 1 1/2 inch scare but it healed without a skin graft my my arse.:)

Well back to the spraying, it was all done within 15 min and $140 later, got a 60 day warranty so that's good. Hopefully those nasty buggers are gone, I don't mind other spiders just not the kind that can cause damage or even death.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend is over

It's Sunday night and the hubby and son went back home while me and baby girl are still at my mom's house. We finished sanding (ok hubby finished) , fixed plumbing for the sink, painted on the primer and laid out the tile. It looks really good if I say so myself, especially since its a first for us. I just need to paint the door, buy door hinges, then paint the room on Tuesday since it takes 24 hours for the tile to set and then grout it. Next week we will need to put in the vanity, mirror, and cabinet, reinstall the shower, and install the moldings. I can't wait for it to be done, because having everything ripped apart and in disarray stresses me out. If it was my house I wouldn't be as stressed but since its my mom's it makes me uneasy. So now I feel relief since the walls are primed and the floor is done, well clean that is.

Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep tonight since I got some physical activity today, but it's hard to sleep on this crappy old bed. Even if it was a nice new bed it's hard for me to sleep anywhere besides my own house and bed. Even then sleep invades me, I wish I could fall asleep and stay asleep like when I was younger but it seems harder and harder to fall and stay asleep. I have insomnia but I don't want to take any thing for it, I don't like to take any kinds of medicines. I'm one of those people who get the crappy side affects, if any are possible I get it so I tend not to take anything unless I have too. I only take claritin because I have allergies other wise I would not be taking that either.

I feel tired but can I can tell I'm getting PMSsy, I always get bloated, crampy, bitchy, irritable and just plain crazy when these damn eggs fall. I can actually feel which side they fall from because it hurts. When I was younger I never had these issues, seems like since I'm getting older I'm falling apart and feeling crappier by the day. I hate PMS, it sucks, I suck when I get this far I'm not there yet but when I get to that point I need to keep super busy or else I will snap. I guess part of all this craziness I keeping on top if it, knowing when and what triggers me is my best defense. I guess that is also why I don't want to take any meds for the depression because even though part of it is biological/chemical another component is how I react to it. I know what the symptoms so I need to be proactive and take care of myself before I flip out. Self control, discipline, self awareness and action are required during these times. I need to be ok for my family but more so for myself.

Writing in this blog has helped since I've been keeping up it now and also having my new blog friend. It's nice to have someone who doesn't know me yet we seem to have so much in common. I guess that is what drove me to start this blog in the first place. After reading all those other blogs I realized I wasn't the only one who felt crazy, sad, tired or really mad at their kids. Made me feel human, part of a group, something I never really felt before. I love reading blogs, although I admit I can get carried away and that's all I do. It's addicting if it's a honest perspective, those are my favorite, ones that aren't censored or edited so they don't seem controversial or unpleasant or raw. But those are the best I think, straight out forward, frank and simply put.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

To poop or not to poop......

It's drizzling outside, definitely not a good hard rain, just the kind that leaves your car looking like shit. My ass is totally unmotivated, I should be helping my husband sand the walls but instead I'm surfing the Internet. I'm constipated, yep plugged up and feeling like crap...yep feeling it not taking one. I go from having days of shits to being totally blocked up...I actually prefer the runs, at least I feel light and good. Only time you realize how important it is to be regular is when you aren't.

Nothing really compares to the lightness and flow of relief from taking a good dump. Really as disgusting and uncouth as it maybe to talk about it, its only natural and it sure feels damn good when it happens. When I'm stressed my body shows it by giving me the runs or plugging me up, a few years back my doctor told me I had IBS. I noticed it got alot better once I stopped drinking (weekend binges) but its been years since I did that. It's from stress I know, like all the bumps and rash that is all over my body right now. The body definitely will let it out whether you actually do something about it or not.

I've always been irregular ever since childhood, first from fear of having tape worm when I was 5 or so. I remember to this day of the worms coming out of my butt, not a pleasant thing especially as a child. I didn't understand it all but thought any time I would poop there would be worms so I held it in, I thought it was normal to poop like every 7 days or so, I didn't realize your supposed to poop at least once a day. Well it didn't help once I hit high school I started dieting, not eating food, taking laxatives to poop. I couldn't force myself to throw up so instead I took laxatives right after I ate. Correctal was my friend, hell I even drank mineral oil, I read somewhere it helped to poop so I would drink it, it wasn't baby oil but might as well have been without the fragrance. Besides drinking I would slather it all over my body to cook in the sun. Wow what dumb ass I used to be...."youth is wasted on the young" definitely is true. It's amazing how when we were young we were so set on destroying ourselves.

Every time I try to post something on the lighter side I go completely nuts and get deep..ok caught my self so gonna end it at this...I need to take a nice shawdoobee soon!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Food.....mmmm soo good!

I started this post a few days ago but didn't complete it, got distracted by the kids. Well came back to do my daily post (I have decided no matter what the topic or how long or short I will do one post a day) after reading my new favorite food blog...TasteSpotting (thanks Kia for the link). Man I love all the pictures, they look so good...I realized I've been looking at it for the last hour and half, unfortunately I haven't seen any Korean recipes yet but I still have many more pages to view.

My love for food and made me realize I need to pay closer attention to how my mom makes kimchi and all her other Korean recipes. Luckily this weekend we will be making some kimchi since its been over a 6 months since she made the last batch. When I say we will make some I don't mean a few heads of cabbage but 4 crates, yes crates of it! Scary I know but this woman does not know how to do little, if we are to have 15 people she will cook for 200! She has "big hand" as they say in of the qualities I inherited from her.

We usually go to K-Town in L.A. but she found out from my Aunt ( jawgouen oma) that she can get it straight from the fields in Santa Maria. That's how she got it last time so she asked her to buy 4 crates this time (it's a good thing cause I just washed out my last kimchi jar last week) :)
So this time I will actually write it down, especially since it's not something I will be making monthly.

It's funny how as adults we go back to loving foods we may have not liked so much as children, although I always loved kimchi jigae, especially the very ripe one. I love kimchi when its freshly made and when it gets ripe..the middle stage kinda sucks. Mmmm makes me hungry thinking about it! Good thing I'm at mom's cause she made me some awesome kimchi out of baby bok choy...oh my gosh do damn good and tender! Hmm I gotta start taking pictures and post them too. Change in topic but I do have a pretty nice camera the hubby got me two Christmas or so ago. Because I was interested in taking pictures however with my mental state I haven't utilized my toy. So promise to myself to start taking some pics and start posting.
Besides pictures make things look much more interesting to read. Presentation just like food.

Other day post.....
Did I mention I love to eat? I love good food, from fancy smancy stuff to just good old bowl of rice with kimchi jigae. For the past 11 months or so I've been baking bread at home, from scratch besides some help from my sunbeam bread maker that mixes and kneads the dough for me. To date I think I have gone through at least 200pds of flour because besides baking bread for sandwiches I've made pizza dough, cinnamon rolls, french bread, red bean buns, hoe ducc, cookies, scones, soft pretzels, sweet rolls and then some. At first it seemed hard cause I was being real careful about the measurements and stuff but with time and many many products later its been easy especially with the bread maker mixing and kneading the dough.

I've never been one to follow directions, that is measuring things out perfectly, maybe coming from a Korean mom who doesn't measure anything has something to do with it.. I would start off with a recipe but always tweak it to my accord, and even though people swear to exact measurements in baking I say boulder dash. I add, subtract, tweak mostly everything I have followed from a recipe but mostly I use a recipe or idea for inspiration and do my own thing to do. I can say I'm a decent cook and family loves my food and baked goods. And my husband had gained 40 pounds since I met him, most of it from the first year..but than that's from my mom's cooking since we were living with her then. He was underweight when we met, a boy, now he is a "Man". :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

simply put...

To Do:

1.Continue budgeting
2.Continue working on mom's house
3.*Start exercise program
4.Focus on the kids
5.Focus on the hubby

Simply put things I need to work on...although they are all so much more complicated than that, but writing them out like that makes it easier to handle.

It's Friday today so time to do laundry and pack since we will be leaving for my mom's house to finish the bathroom. It's major work, re tiling, patching up the drywall and installing all new vanity, cabinets and painting. So basically a new bathroom...two weeks ago I demolished everything, while it was hard it was very therapeutic ripping out the tiles. I can see how people like remodeling homes, it starts off looking like crap but then looks so good afterwards. I guess that's what I like about it, because you can see the difference...kinda like cleaning a really dirty room. I guess I have to admit I like cleaning although not picking shit up (kids toys). Although I'm sure my family will beg to differ because I will start off in a decent mood but end up yelling, screaming and cursing by the end of the clean up. I jut get mad at how fast the house gets dirty and how no but me can pick anything off the floor. If I didn't put things away my self or tell them to put things away my house would be a pigsty. Really it would and you know I hate being that krajee korean mom complaining and bitching but if I don't nothing , nothing would get done around here.

*I need a exercise plan because I can't lose the weight like I used, it was always so easy to keep the weight off before (although not that I needed to lose weight before)but then I was never this heavy before. (sigh) fat sucks, especially the muffin them just not on my own waist!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Going with the flow.....

I've been busy going back and forth to my mom's house every week now since my uncle died. I can't believe its been over a month now and even though I saw him pass away before my eyes it still seem surreal. I guess death is like that, even when you actually experience it first hand, well that is watching someone pass on. Having two deaths in such a short period of time sucks to say the very least, this time though I'm better prepared...sounds off but its true, we all know what to expect, what to do, I have been on auto pilot going through the motions, taking care of things.

In ways it's helped me being on this schedule of having to go to my mom's and staying for three or more days. When we are there I keep busy, clean the house, do yard work, pay bills and finish fixing up the house. This week we have to finish painting, put up the new light fixture and the one room is done. We are going to power wash the outside, look for cracks in the foundation and patch them up, besides doing the weekly mowing and edging of the grass. My husbands been great, he has been doing all the work himself even though its a first for him but he's done a great job so far. He's closed off a door from the den to the kitchen so we can make it to a real room, which we have always used it as, but now its complete and looks damn good if I say so myself. This is the first time for him for doing dry wall and such. .

I'm so lucky to have such a great husband who doesn't bitch or complain. He has to do work for his in-laws, never heard him complain. Even though my own brother doesn't ever come to help do anything let alone offer. He wants minimal to no contact with my mom and aunt. But of course he gets tons of compliments and such for sit he doesn't do...go figure.

Anyways this is a rant about the lamn Korean culture of coddling their sons but of how things have been ok so far. That keeping busy has helped me although my house has been on shafted, good thing its new and doesn't need much up keep although I could do some pruning and dead heading of some flowers. But its not a major issue.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

is there life after death.......

My son "Mom is there life after death? It would suck if there wasn't right mom? "

Me "I don't know maybe so and maybe not, although if that's the case then you have total peace? If there is a life after no one knows, till they die and obviously they can't tell you."

I've wondered about that too, especially with how Christians believe if your cremated you can't go to heaven or some shit like that. Hate to admit but religion disgusts me, maybe its all those fanatical nuts out there declaring their way is the only way and everyone else will go to hell and such....ya ya ya, blah blah...shut your freaking pie hole cause you don't know shit. You haven't died yet to know whether there is a heaven or hell and who says your god is the only god. God I hate those religious righteous freaks that try and shove their stupid beliefs down others throats. Shit shove this down your throat ass hats! So I don't like religion although there was a point in my life I looked to God, I had a understanding of Christian religion because my uncle used to send us to Sunday school and church because he believed it would benefit us since we were living in the U.S. and since it was built around Christianity.

To say I liked church or understood is far from the truth, I saw my father's distaste for religion or the freaks that is, he said used to say God doesn't need your money, that's a bunch of bull shit, its the crazy minister that does. "

So I guess maybe part of my reason for such distaste of religion is from him. However shortly after I had my son when I was 20 years old I looked to God, I felt so lost and hurt, lost and empty so I sought out something besides myself. It was also convenient cause my son's dad mom was a alcoholic born again christian. So I attended church with her where I was yes, Saved...I mean the shit where I actually fell to the ground and wept. But I wept because I was in pain, pain from realizing the man I thought who loved me didn't, the man I loved cheated on me, he hit me, he used drugs, he was a alcoholic, he looked at porn, he couldn't hold a job down....he was a loser. But he was the father of my baby, he was my worst nightmare.

I had a pain inside so deep, so damn empty, my heart was broken and so was I sought out God, I read the bible but I found it to be sexist, calling woman whores and harlots. I found the church members to be hypocrites, doing drugs, drinking, etc. then asking God for forgiveness, cause the devil made them do it. It was the most pathetic no one was responsible for their own actions but it was always the devil who made them do it. Also they considered it to be bad to live within the world, what the fuck? They were a bunch of freaks to say the least. So I stopped but continued reading the bible, but even that made me disgusted with religion...the things I read I questioned and damn it I didn't have blind faith. Shit only a dumb fuck who with half a brain would believe every damn thing they read however I had questions and the damn book wasn't answering any of them. I read it all but came out feeling more disillusioned and disgusted.

So I sought inner peace and answers which weren't clear cut. My mother raised me to be good, honest to others, respectful, caring...etc. all basic stuff but I realized that wasn't the case. most if not all religion looked to the bible, god to tell them about the 10 commandments...duh? What the fuck ass hats you don't know not to lie, not to kill your neighbor, listen to your parents? Lamn fucks without any morals, self consciences, respect or humility. Made me laugh, these are the ones that killed others in the name of religion. Most of all the wars throughout history was due religion, give it a rest you freaks. God ain't telling you to kill others that don't believe in him, you ass hats are. Just cause you haven't given your life over to Jesus doesn't mean your going to what every person before Jesus and such went to hell, every other religion/belief is wrong but yours?!!!

Yes religious crazies make me sick, use common sense people, oh wait you don't have any so you need a book to tell you how to be a good person, to cheat, kill others. Hey do you also notice its always the crazies that kill their babies and others that say God made them do it, or the devil/demon. Yes you crazy ass whack jobs you have no control over yourselves, your a bunch of mindless ass hats being led to slaughter.

It makes me mad and sick how the religious right use "Pro Life" although those dumb fucks want to cut the programs to help these kids they insist should be born, what the fuck? They are total hypocrites, bunch of uneducated fucks that don't know a damn thing. They are not for same sex marriage although they cheat on their wives with other men? WTF people...banging another man's ass or sucking his dick makes you gay or a freak, just cause you disguise yourself as a married man doesn't change the truth. Let others choose who they love, marry, etc. it is their lives not yours, they don't tell you to not cheat on your spouse, to stop smoking crack, to stop looking at child pornography at work. No they just want some freedoms that all Americans have. Except for child rapists...Priests and pedophiles...I say kill them all, why even waste time in incarcerating them? It has been proven time after time they cannot change their behavior, take them out of their misery and let the freaking cycle stop. These sick fucks are usually continuing the cycle because most likely they were abused as a child themselves. The Priests and the Church shit that itself a whole another entry. Can we say stupid religious ass hats saying its ok because they confessed and asked for forgiveness, lets cover up and move them elsewhere to destroy more innocent lives. Yes sick, pathetic and definitely fucked up.

Speaking of idiots my son came home last week telling me about his Geography teacher who asked a fellow student who is also Korean which side did he come from? Huh...the kid didn't say anything but looked at him like what the fuck? Didn't he know if he was from north Korea he wouldn't be here? You would think a geography teacher would know this bit of fact north Korea is communist and there is no travel in or out of it. I guess being a teacher doesn't give them half a sense nor are those damn teacher in service days helping im out? My son laughed but he was disgusted at how ignorant even adults were about basic world news. He hates it when people ask him what he is and when he tells them Korean they have no idea where that is what that is, they state Asian right? To them it's all the same thing...he's like shit its not the same cause we Asians do not understand each other because we do not speak the same language. Korean is nothing like Chinese or Japanese and no we don't understand each other unlike you Spanish speakers that can understand each other although there are some differences in dialects depending on which country they come from. He was surprised at how stupid kids and teachers were in general about other cultures and people. I told them just cause they got a college degree didn't mean shit, there are many racist, ignorant and uneducated people who went to college. Hell look at whose president now and look at the freak show republicans running for government now? Yes I'm a democrat but that being said I know there are allot of ass hats on this side too.

The cool thing is my son and I have discussion about politics, religion, and even girls. He watches the Colbert report and John Stewart on his own time...hell even I don't watch that. He is pretty damn enlightened and smart for a 15 year old. Yes I'm proud. He is everything I wasn't, good grades...he was invited to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. Never knew anything like that existed but with his grades and interest in medicine he got invited. No I'm not imaging him being a doctor or anything like that unless he wants to be but I think its awesome cause he can experience something first hand that may or may not enlighten him. I want him to have all the opportunity and chance that I didn't.

I told him the most important thing to me is that he is happy in choosing the career he wants, something that he loves, that makes him happy, money isn't a factor but if he wants things he knows he needs to make some. He told me he wishes he had many lives cause there are so many different things he wants to do...he reminds me alt of me when I was younger, but hopefully one with support and love who can actually attempt his dreams and fulfill them.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

all's ok for now....

I turned on the water, cracked open the window, turned on the fans and turned up the volume. Finally a moment to myself, I knew the matches were on the top shelf in the medicine cabinet, for my candles of course. The devilish stick that sent my father to his grave was in my lips, I lit the match and inhaled, yes inhaled and damn it felt good...I know sad, sick but its the only thing I had left, my last vice. Ok it stunk and I really couldn't inhale anymore more after the first hit, I was getting a nasty head rush, never liked those, always happens when you haven't smoked in awhile. Someone people love it but I hate it, makes me feel sick....I tried to take a few more drags since I went to the trouble to lit it anyways, but it was nasty. I dropped it into the dixi cup, it sizzled in the water, poof and died, slow hazy smoke. It was nasty, into the garbage it went, had to tie off the bag. It stank, the entire bathroom stank, hopefully the candle I lit would kill the scent? Didn't matter now...hell its about time I utilized my jacuzzi tub, only used it three times at most, lamn. Almost three years in the house and used it only three times...lamn lamn.

Nice hot water, hot jet streams on my toes?...terrible design, why would you have jets pointed at your feet and not around the neck or shoulders...hell that's where all my tensions is, not on my feet or legs.....gotta switch my ass around the opposite direction to get the jets to where it'll help.
Too bad I can't hear the music since the damn jets are so loud, but its nice....too bad I gotta scrub off the dae(dirt, old skin) grabbed the handy dandy red korean sandcloth, the shit that rubs your skin off but feels so good after? Shit I'm so korean, I guess all those years of having my skin scrubbed off as a child made me in to a freak. Isn't weird after you scrub off all the dae, rinse, lather the cloth with soap scrub once more and then rinse off. Yes you feel so damn clean and smooth and new...nothing like that feeling, you hated it as a child, feared it, cowered into the corner hoping your mother didn't get a hold of you cause you knew the torture would start and it wouldn't stop until you were brightly red, with layers of dae on your arm, had to be red to make sure it came off. Even when you begged for her to stop she wouldn't until she got a good layer or two of your skin off, only until then were you clean. Shit yes now I look forward to that, it hurts but feels good? Had I become some masochistic freak that's get off on her own skin being scrubbed off? Naw I'm just your typical korean woman getting clean.

Nicely raw and red from the scrubbing I feel better, can't stand to see my naked body with all its extra rolls and fat but its ok. Too lazy to put on lotion, hell I remember the days I would never miss putting lotion all over my body...hmmm that was before the kids, before the husband, time I had to be vain, self-centered and focus on myself. But that's ok too tired a d lazy anyways, besides too much to lotion up now, too much area and I'm lazy and tired.

I laid down and watched tv for the rest of the day, I sent the child outside with her father. I sent him outside to finally finish installing the lights on our new concrete posts. Why is is that I have to tell this man what to do, when to do it and how??? I have three kids not two, love the man but he is a child, needing guidance in everything he does. It tires me, I hate telling him what he needs to do, I hate telling all of them what to do, and they wonder why I'm a crazy nagging witch. I retire, I quit, I want to run away, so they can be at peace, so I can be at peace. Ok a wild fantasy, but its ok for now. I got my break for the moment. That's all I need a break, a break from her, them, all of them...a moment for myself to shed my tears, to feel like shit.

Today I don't feel bad, I'm ok...I just don't want to feel like yesterday, those days suck...I need my break, a brief moment away from all of them.

Friday, September 5, 2008

feeling shitty....

I hate HATE feeling this way...that weird antsy crazy feeling within yourself where you feel like crawling out of your skin. The crazy intensity and buzzing that comes with it...I hate it. I feel crazy, literally when I feel this way, my head hurts, I feel shaky, nauseous and tense all at once. I don't always feel this way, but when I feel this way I can't sleep, I feel like I'm amped. Is this the manic part in the being bi-polar, I have no fucking idea although I know it comes when I'm extremely stressed out. I'm stressed out, sometimes I think I actually do my best in stress, I get so much done, constantly going but once I stop I'm exhausted. I feel exhausted alot now, I go from days of doing nothing literally, so damn tired and then go for days with constant activity and doing stuff. I feel the best when I'm doing stuff non stop, it keeps my mind off of stuff. It makes me feel like I'm getting things accomplished but I hate feeling exhausted, so damn tired and the aches I feel in my shoulders, neck. I still have that damn burning sensation in the deep of my shoulder between the shoulder sucks.
My daughter is crying right now and I want to smack her, I put he rout on corner time because she was playing her usual I want this... and once I serve it "no I don't want it" I've had it being her personal servant, I've had it with all the whinnying and demands. Shit what about my demands?! What about my needs....what about my time and space without eyes peering at my while I'm taking a dump, the constant demands and wants that I have to fulfill to every one but me!

What happened to me....why is it that I feel like I'm being sucked into a black hole where I will never find myself, only being ripped into pieces by everyone needs and demands. I want out.
I want out of this insanity, this constant need to satisfy everyone else's needs, to feel that my worth is equated with what I do for others. Although even then I do not feel that is recognized but taken for granted, expected while my brother's do not do anything but are constantly dotted on and revered, I'm tired of being the freaking korean daughter. Fuck them all, they can go to hell with their freaking traditions, their patriarchal society, their freaking name sake, tradition and family line...fuck them all. I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm tired of destroying myself to compete in a world where I'm no one, where all I do does not mean much but only is taken for granted. Fuck the extended family, fuck stretching and taxing myself for others while I and my own family suffer.
I realize I'm following in my own sick parents step in putting others needs before my own kids and spouse. I did not realize ow sick they really were until my my told me:you should tell your aunt so they don't blame you." Huh? WTF! This is regarding the delay in cremation of my uncle because he had radiation pellets put into his prostate because he had prostate cancer. He had bought a policy from the Neptune society for himself and my aunt last year. It was supposed to be so easy and simple but it turned into some drama. It turned out he was radioactive so they could not cremate him, it was illegal. So we had to track down his doctor, or someone who would take it out of him. Luckily it was pretty painless...although he died August 12 and he barely got cremated yesterday I believe. The conversation with my mother occurred when I called to find out when his ashes would return back to Santa Barbara because his body was in L.A. where their facility was. The guy he will call and find out (this is two week) then he calls to tell me they can't cremate him cause his body is still registering for radioactivity! Shit so they will return his body again and the pathologist at the hospital will remove whatever else is registering and scan it before they send him down again. I told my mom since she wanted to know when his ashes would be ready. This is when I tell her of the complication but I told her I wont tell aunt since I don't think she needs to know about the latest problem. This is where she says I should tell her so I wont get blamed. HUh??? WTF really how in the hell is it my fault that they can't cremate his body because of radioactivity? Because I'm god?Because I'm the messenger, the one who has do the dirty work and deal with the stress??? I don't get it...why are korean women so freaking lame. Just her thought process tripped me out.

I'm spewing cause she called me to see whats going on...and her comments and statements annoy the fuck out of me. SHe drives me nuts with her constant bitching, comments (stuff to make me a better person) her constant belittling, correcting, And I'm the bad one when I stick up for myself or my kids. Fuck her and her pathetic martyr attitude while she is killing me and making me fucken suffer so she can look good. I 've had it with my family...I've had it with my fucked up upbringing. Her constant dotting and love for her precious son's even those bastard don't do a damn thing for her, only to avoid her yet I'm the fucked up one. Fuck her and my family, they suck!